Project Summary: Billy Swails Blvd. Phase 4B
Thank you for your interest in Chad Brown Law. If you are viewing this content, then it is likely that you are facing the possibility that some, if not all, of your property will be taken from you by a condemning authority. A “condemning” authority (or “condemnor”) is any entity that has the right to take your property for a public purpose. (Such as widening or extending a road)
The Eminent Domain Attorneys at Chad Brown Law are here for you, and, as a token of that support, we have prepared the following information to hopefully help you better understand what the project is all about and why the condemnor has targeted your property.
A. Name of Project: Billy Swails Blvd. Phase 4B.
If you would like more information about this project, then simply go to the following website:
B. Who will be condemning/taking the properties? The South Carolina Department of Transportation. (SCODT)
C. What are they taking? The SCDOT will be taking properties between Six Mile Rd. and Hamlin Rd. However, the specific properties that the SCDOT elects to take in its final plans may change due to an ongoing review process by the Federal Government. The new road will run through a freshwater wetland which may cause environmental issues.
D. When will they be taking it? The SCDOT was slated to begin the acquisition of the properties during the first fiscal quarter of 2022. However, with the onset of COVID-19, that process was pushed out. Therefore, the date of acquisitions is still unknown.
E. Why are they taking the property? The project’s purpose is to enhance mobility for vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. The need to enhance mobility comes from the ever-increasing amount of traffic that the area experiences each year.
F. How can they take it? The SCDOT can take your property through the exercise of eminent domain. However, the county is supposed to compensate you for the property that they take from you. The typical measure for compensation is normally the “fair market value” of the property being taken. This can be measured in various ways according to law and should be discussed with your attorney.