Project Summary: Flint Hill Street Community Drainage Project
Thank you for your interest in Chad Brown Law. If you are viewing this content, then it is likely that you are facing the possibility that some, if not all, of your property will be taken from you by a condemning authority. A “condemning” authority (or “condemnor”) is any entity that has the right to take your property for a public purpose. (Such as widening a road)
The Eminent Domain Attorneys at Chad Brown Law are here for you, and, as a token of that support, we have prepared the following information to hopefully help you better understand what the project is all about and why the condemnor has targeted your property.
A. Name of Project: Flint Hill Street Community Drainage Project
If you would like more information about this project, then simply go to the “Pennies for Progress” website. This is a website somewhat ancillary to the York County, SC website. Pennies for Progress is the name of the Capital Sales and Use Tax Program for York County. This project falls within its funding purview which is to provide the citizens of York County a more efficient and safer road system.
B. Who will be condemning/taking the properties? York County, SC
C. What are they taking? The County will be taking properties immediately adjacent to Frank Street, Flint Hill Street, and Lige Street. Furthermore, a small portion of adjacent property to Oats St. will be acquisitioned for proposed drainage and gutter.
D. When will they be taking it? The County has not set an acquisition date yet. Many project acquisitions have been delayed due to COVID-19. However, there are other reasons why the project might be delayed in acquisitions. Therefore, it is difficult to know when exactly the County will begin its acquisitions.
E. Why are they taking the property? The County’s general goal is to create a better drainage system for the roadways in the identified areas. Presumably, the main goal would be to create a safer roadway for traffic.
E. Why are they taking the property? Upon reviewing the maps, it would seem the goal is to widen Camden Rd. into a four-lane to accommodate increased traffic by matching it with the already four-lane Camden Rd. further east of NC Hwy 59/Hope Mills Rd.
F. How can they take it? The County can take your property through the exercise of eminent domain. However, the county is supposed to compensate you for the property that they take from you. The typical measure for compensation is normally the “fair market value” of the property being taken. This can be measured in various ways according to law and should be discussed with your attorney.