Project Summary: Forum Parkway Connector to NC Hwy 66
Thank you for your interest in Chad Brown Law. If you are viewing this content, then it is likely that you are facing the possibility that some, if not all, of your property will be taken from you by a condemning authority. A “condemning” authority (or “condemnor”) is any entity that has the right to take your property for a public purpose. (Such as widening a road)
The Eminent Domain Attorneys at Chad Brown Law are here for you, and, as a token of that support, we have prepared the following information to hopefully help you better understand what the project is all about and why the condemnor has targeted your property.
A. Project Number: U-5899
If you would like more information about this project, then simply go to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) website and type “U-5899” into the search bar. This will bring up all the information that the NCDOT has on their website about the project.
B. Who will be condemning/taking the properties? NCDOT.
C. What are they taking? This project will primarily take place in Forsyth County, NC. The NCDOT will be acquiring property that connects Forum Parkway to NC 66. The area taken will be the land that runs just South of American Tire Distributors across Grassy Creek and the Norfolk Southern Rail Line east to the area South of Grace Baptist Church. The new road will be located about two lots south of Grace Baptist Church and extend into NC Hwy 66. The intersection of Baptist Church Rd. and Baker St. will include a four-way stop without a traffic light. The current turn-off onto Baptist Church Rd. from NC Hwy 66 will be relocated South a few hundred feet.
D. When will they be taking it? The acquisition for necessary properties was slated for 2019. However, to balance out funds, the acquisition process was moved to 2022. Construction is likely to begin in 2024.
E. Why are they taking the property? They NCDOT’s goal is to build a new two-lane roadway that will connect Forum Parkway to NC Hwy 66. This will allow travelers on Forum Parkway to access NC Hwy 66 quicker and vice versa.
F. How can they take it? The NCDOT can take your property through the exercise of eminent domain. However, the NCDOT is supposed to compensate you for the property that they take from you. The typical measure for compensation is normally the “fair market value” of the property being taken. This can be measured in various ways according to law and should be discussed with your attorney.