Social Security Disability Appeal Lawyers in Iredell County, NC

Helping Clients Navigate the Appeals Process

If you have a physical or mental disability that prevents you from supporting yourself financially, it makes sense to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is notorious for rejecting applications. In fact, most first-time applications are denied, so you’re not alone if the SSA rejected your request for disability benefits.

The good news is that you can appeal the decision, giving you a chance to get approved for the monetary benefits you need to support yourself. Just make sure you act quickly, since you only have a limited time to submit an appeal. It’s best to get help from a legal team that has successfully been through this process with numerous clients, so contact Chad Brown Law, PLLC to speak with skilled Social Security Disability appeal lawyers in Iredell County, NC.

Why Was Your Social Security Application Denied?

As you begin the appeal process, your first step should be determining why your application was denied. This will allow your lawyer to help you fix the issue during the appeal process. Some of the most common reasons for the SSA to deny Social Security Disability applications are:

• Your monthly income exceeds the limit set by the SSA, which is $1,550 for most applicants and $2,590 per month for blind applicants as of 2024
• The medical evidence you sent in was not sufficient to prove that you have a disability that meets the SSA’s criteria
• You have not followed your doctor’s treatment plan for your disability
• You have a short-term disability that won’t last longer than 12 months, making you ineligible for Social Security disability benefits
• Your prior applications were denied, making the SSA more likely to issue another denial
• You didn’t submit proof showing you have enough work credits to qualify
• You made an error on the application, such as filling in the wrong contact information or skipping an important question

When you contact our North Carolina legal practice for help with your appeal, a knowledgeable lawyer will carefully review your paperwork to identify why you were denied. If it turns out you’re not eligible for benefits, we will let you know why this is and what other government programs might work better for you.

If you’re eligible for disability benefits but have not successfully proven this on your application, we will work on resolving this issue for you. This will likely involve gathering additional documentation, such as medical records, pay stubs, and proof of your employment history. If you’re ready to appeal your rejected claim, contact Chad Brown Law, PLLC today to speak with Social Security Disability appeal lawyers in Iredell County, NC.

What Should You Do When Your Application Is Denied?

You should contact a lawyer as soon as you get the notice of denial. You only have 60 days from that date to request an appeal, and this process can take time since it has four main steps.

The first step of the appeal process is requesting reconsideration, which your lawyer will assist with. If you have new evidence to include in your application, this is the time to submit it. During reconsideration, the Disability Determination Services (DDS) will review your application along with any new evidence. There is a chance that your application will be approved during this step, allowing you to begin getting the benefits you deserve.

However, there’s also a chance you’ll be denied again at this stage. If this occurs, you should request a hearing with the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Having a skilled lawyer during this step is important since they can help make it clear to the judge that your disability qualifies you for benefits. If they turn down your request again, your lawyer will prepare you for the third step in the appeal process, which will involve the Social Security Appeals Council.

What Should You Expect from the Conclusion of the Appeal Process?

If your ALJ hearing does not get the result you want, don’t lose hope, as the appeal process isn’t necessarily over yet. You can still request a review from the Social Security Appeals Council.

They do not accept all requests, so it’s important to hire an attorney who knows how to write a strong brief that’s likely to compel them to review your claim. If they accept your request, they will closely examine your application and supporting materials to ensure the SSA did not deny you based on their own errors or procedural issues.

If they reject your application after this, you and your lawyer can decide if it’s worth proceeding to the final step of the appeal process. This involves filing a lawsuit with the Federal District Court to show that the SSA wrongfully denied you the benefits you deserve. Your lawyer will advise you on whether this is the right step or if it’s more effective to file a new claim with updated evidence. Contact our Iredell County, NC law firm today to get started.

Should You Call Social Security Disability Appeal Lawyers in Iredell County, NC?

If you need financial benefits due to your disability, getting approved for Social Security Disability payments as soon as possible is a priority. Unfortunately, the SSA makes this difficult by rejecting the majority of applications. That’s why our Social Security Disability appeal lawyers work hard to help clients appeal their rejections until they eventually get approved for the payments they need.

If you’re ready to learn why you were denied the benefits you’re entitled to and how you can improve your chances of being approved on appeal, call Chad Brown Law, PLLC today at 336-962-5373 for a free consultation. We look forward to helping you get the benefits you deserve from the SSA.