How Does The Social Security Administration Determine If Someone Is Blind For Disability Purposes?
Generally, SSA considers someone to be blind if their vision can’t be corrected to better than 20/200 in their better eye or if their visual field is 20 degrees or less in their better eye for a period that lasts or is expected to last at least 12 months. Many people are frustrated to learn that monocular blindness (blindness in only one eye) is rarely disabling.
Proving Disability
Proving disability for blindness is usually accomplished by having an eye exam where both visual acuity and visual field is measured. If you do not meet Social Security’s strict blindness definition, you may still be eligible for disability due to visual limitations. Winning disability benefits due to visual limitations can be surprisingly difficult. Judges are often unfamiliar with visual medical records making obtaining benefits in visual limitation cases even more difficult. If you are dealing with visual limitations or blindness issues that prevent work, you will likely need an attorney to assist you in obtaining Social Security disability benefits. Chad Brown Law frequently assists visually impaired individuals to obtain disability benefits. Call Chad Brown Law today at 336-546-5066 to receive a Free Case Evaluation.